newbie help please

Mark Stuart Burge mark at
Wed Oct 3 02:59:09 BST 2007

Yes, with varying levels of quality.

Cheap pc mics will give you a very tinny response though.

Try Trademe, they have a lot of mics at good prices, like this sm58 for 
$35 current bid, with cable,

although you would need to convert it to an unbalanced 1/4in or 1/8in 
connection, or get a mixer like .. 
for $100 up

brendon wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 10:28 +0200, Hartmut Noack wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hello Brendon,
>> just the right attitude :-)
>> To start with what is there is much better then to wait around to get
>> more prerequisites and doing actually nohing ;-)
> That is so good, what I am wanting to know is what type of mic i need,
> people here have recomended sm57 which by reviews is good but here in NZ
> exoensive $200 without cord. or will almost any dynamic mic work?

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