About MuseScore

Toby Smithe tsmithe at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 30 21:08:46 GMT 2007

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 18:15 -0500, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Thursday 29 November 2007, Toby Smithe wrote:
> > Right, from what I've seen, the current stable release - 0.7 - doesn't
> > support inputting notes. If it does, this is unintuitive at best and
> > buggy if not. I wouldn't recommend something with a key feature missing
> > as part of the distribution quite yet.
> I haven't done any real work with it, but it's substantially functional, and 
> probably at least as functional as NoteEdit ever got.
> It sounds like you're selling it short because you can't figure out how to do 
> anything with it.  Intuitive, it's not.

Right, I had failed to realise one must use "N" to enter notes. It is
looking pretty good with that sorted, and I will persevere with the
packaging. I've subscribed to their mailing list, and will be asking
about their FluidSynth distribution.
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