ardour - recording while playing a loop

Oscar spacepluk at
Tue Nov 27 09:47:59 GMT 2007

I've seen this in MOTU's Digital Performer. What they do is to record the
audio to the same file but dynamically create regions and stack them for
every new loop iteration.

I don't know if this means multiple independent time lines for ardour's
implementation, but I think is a good feature to have. And by stacking all
the iterations/takes it's easier to select the best fragments from different
iterations/takes and get the perfect take with some easy surgery :)

2007/11/26, Kim Burgess <phreaksaccount at>:
> What you are explaining would involve multiple independent time lines.
> This is a feature I have not seen on any audio editor on any platform. The
> way this is normally done is to duplicate the loop along one track for
> however long you want it to loop and then record linearly.
> ................................................
> Kim Burgess
> P  +61 7 3366 8971
> M  +61 4 2339 9187
> E  phreaksaccount at
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Oscar Morante

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