External sound device

Wesley Stout wesleystout at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 14:28:30 GMT 2007

hmm that looks ok not exactly what i had in mind but would not be bad
to have. Let me ask a definate Noob question. My soundcard is junk so
that will take place of it is that correct?


On Nov 26, 2007 8:05 AM, Yvan Vander Sanden <yvan at youngmusic.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-26 at 07:44 -0600, Wesley Stout wrote:
> > Hey, was wondering what type of external recording device anyone has
> > had luck with? I am wanting to use Ardour, I am using a laptop with a
> > sound card that the mic input that is evidently useless. I was
> > planning on upgrading anyway so just wondering what is working good
> > for everyone before I buy? Thanks
> I have not compared much, but I am working with the M-Audio Ozone. That
> won't be exactly what you want, but I like the idea of having some basic
> midi controller at my disposal while working.
> Most of the M-Audio USB devices are quite good in my opinion. And
> several are supported using the madfu package. (find it on
> http://usb-midi-fw.sourceforge.net/ )
> Regards,
> yvan vander sanden
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