Problems with Qsampler

hollunder at hollunder at
Sun Nov 25 13:32:52 GMT 2007

On Sun, 25 Nov 2007 13:31:50 +0100
"Fabio Buda [mbutUbuntu]" <mbutubuntu at> wrote:

> Hello folks, i've just upgraded my ubuntustudio to gutsy and I
> discovered that Qsampler is automaticallu installed...
> On feisty I installed Qsampler but there was an error, also on gutsy I
> have the same problem...
> The complete Message is:
> Could not connect to server as client, Sorry
> lscp_client_create: cmd: connect: Connection refused
This is a common problem.
Qsampler uses linuxsampler as backend but linuxsampler can't be
included due to license issues.
You need to install linuxsampler if you want to use qsampler.
It is not in any official repository but I read (on this list or lau I
think) that there are working packages around.


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