Rosegarden in GTK FTW!!!

Cory K. coryisatm at
Thu Nov 22 22:25:47 GMT 2007

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> We've actually had more than two people file feature requests to this
> effect.
> Sure, we'll rewrite the entire GUI in a different toolkit, because all the 
> guts stuff are supposed to be toolkit-independent.  No problem.  Just give me 
> about two hours, and I'll have it finished.
> Right after I get rid of all these hot chicks who keep bugging me ever since I 
> switched to Linux, leaving gifts of gold bullion on my front porch.
Hahahahaha..... \m/

This wont be a issue with apps that use QT4 though. I saw JACK Control
recently using it and man, wow. It fits in nicely with GNOME. At 1st
glance you'd be hard pressed to know its not GNOME.

-Cory \m/

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