Ardour recording

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Thu Nov 22 05:10:11 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 21 November 2007, Wesley Stout wrote:

> Thanks for the info. I am still having problems I think. I do not have
> near as many options with the mixer for my card. I am guessing that is
> because of the type of card.

You won't because of the type of card.  I was hoping the "AC97 Capture" stuff 
would look the same.  I'm afraid I don't have any machines with standard 
junky soundcards to play with right now.  (Except my laptop, which is useless 
for recording even under Windows, and is a totally lost cause.)

Anyway, if spending money is an option, you're looking at a really crappy 
baseline, and just about anything you do will improve it.  I don't have any 
experience with these newfangled USB gadgets, but if other people here report 
good results, I think you'll be happier in the long run.  Better recordings, 
better playback, fewer hassles, and it's sounding like you can get good 
latency out of these things too.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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