Ardour recording

holotone at holotone at
Tue Nov 20 17:39:30 GMT 2007

I'd make sure that you can get Jack routing audio with a simpler application
to rule out any Ardour configuration issues. Try routing your mic input to
Creox or JackRack and back out to make sure that the basic stuff is
functioning properly..


On 11/20/07, Wesley Stout <wesleystout at> wrote:
> Hi, I am new to Ubuntu-Studio. I used Ardour with mandriva on my
> desktop. I have a Gateway laptop, with Ubuntu-Studio 7.10. When I
> start Jack it appears to be working, but nothing happens with
> something plugged into the mic input. When I press Record with ardour
> and have the track set to record, the button just flashes with no
> action. I am guessing I am having some trouble with Jack? Any help
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Wesley
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