newbie with a problem..

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Mon Nov 19 22:31:44 GMT 2007

On Monday 19 November 2007, verymeta at wrote:
> So my questions is, is there
> anything I can do to fix this, short of buying a faster computer?

1.5 GHz is really underpowered.  As suggested, you might be able to trade 
increased latency for lower CPU usage.  If that isn't satisfactory, the only 
way I can think to avoid a hardware upgrade is to record some of the synth 
parts as audio files.  You can play a lot of audio files for the same amount 
of processing it takes to run a soft synth live.

I have no idea what seq24 is like.  I took a quick look at its page, and my 
impression is that Rosegarden isn't a suitable alternative suggestion.  
Rosegarden comes to mind for being able to mix MIDI and audio tracks in the 
same application (and because I work there, of course) but it looks like 
seq24 is a completely different animal.

I'm not sure what you could do then.  Does seq24 sync to JACK transport?  
Maybe you could record some of the tracks in Ardour or Rosegarden, and sync 
them to play with the live tracks in seq24.

Just random thoughts really, and maybe stupid thoughts.  The easiest solution 
would be to throw money at it, and get at least double the CPU power at your 
disposal.  More RAM is always helpful too.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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