Ubuntu Studio & Qsampler

Chris Dawson xrdawson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 19:21:09 GMT 2007

If I recall correctly, by default my upgrade did not include the
realtime kernel.  I had to apt-get that myself, and then when I
rebooted I could run jack with realtime.  See if that works for you.
You can see if you have the realtime kernel by doing this:

cdawson at djavan:~$ uname -r

If you don't see rt, then you are not running realtime.


On Nov 12, 2007 4:18 PM, holotone at gmail.com <holotone at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I bit the bullet this weekend and chose Ubuntu Studio for my Gutsy
> upgrade and... Wow! Seriously well done..! I can finally feel confident
> using Linux as my primary music production OS..!
> One question, one gripe, and one solution:
> Question: How do I enable realtime in jack? From my understanding, Ubuntu
> Studio includes the realtime kernel, but whenever I check the realtime box
> in Jack, it won't start - Any ideas?
> Gripe: I looooove the theme with a few exceptions, the largest of which is
> being able to see the fine lines between devices and apps in qjackctl's
> connections panel. Any suggestions for a fix?
>  Solution: I couldn't for the life of me get Qsampler to work - Kept saying
> every time I started it that "Server could not be started". A bit of
> research turned up that linuxsampler, the sampler that Qsampler is a GUI
> front end for, is not included w/ Ubuntu* due to licensing issues. Some more
> digging around turned up these Ubuntu debs for linuxsampler:
> http://ubuntu2.cica.es/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/linuxsampler/
> One quick double click and qsampler is now working flawlessly! Perhaps there
> should be a note about this somewhere? It took me aages to figure out.
> Thanks again for putting together a great distro!
> --
> ~cole
> http://holotone.net/
> --
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