Rosegarden update

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Fri Jun 15 01:37:12 BST 2007

On Thursday 14 June 2007, Chris Shaw wrote:
> That explains my slight disappointment with Rosegarden...
> Will synaptic install the latest version for me? Do I need to uninstall
> the old version?

Synaptic...  That's just a graphical package manager that installs packages 
from the normal repositories, isn't it?  If so, then no, it won't.

There's some other utility that a lot of people love, and a lot of other 
people consider evil.  I'm drawing a complete blank.  Anyway, that one 
probably won't work either.

Automatix.  There it is.

I'm not sure what I'd recommend.  I, of course, never use distro packages of 

As a user, I'd probably get the debianized sources out of Debian Sid and try 
to build a .deb that way.  Maybe over the weekend I'll post a recipe, if 
there's demand.

One way or the other, I don't remember having any special trouble building my 
SVN tree after moving my /home from Dapper to Feisty.  I think it's easier to 
build the newest couple of releases (since we switched to CMake) on Edgy or 
Feisty than it was on Dapper.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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