Problems installing

Joachim Struss, Antonia Kostarakis nintom at
Wed Jun 13 23:32:21 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 22:34 +0300, Asmo Koskinen wrote:
> Karlheinz Noise kirjoitti:
> > And when I say "old," I mean it has a Celeron 400MHz processor.
> Please, your processor is awfull - you never going to make it. You 
> really need at least Pentium4 with 1 G memory. Then you can expect 
> something happening.
> There are some Linux distros to work on that prcosessor, try them, but 
> forget audio or video programs. One example:
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

I have been looking at Distros for a similar computer. The nearest to
Ubuntu Studio I came up with was Xubuntu. It ran well as a live cd.
Good Luck

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