lenovo 3000 c200 and ubuntu studio

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Jul 7 02:42:29 BST 2007

On Friday 06 July 2007, Maurício de Paula Kanno wrote:

> yes, i said the message that appeared when I put a DVD: "use a CD".
> something like this: "unit needed: CD; unit in the tray: DVD". but... I
> cannot use CD because of the 800 megabytes.

What did you use to burn?  I had never actually burned a DVD image before, and 
I had a little trouble figuring out how to do it with K3B.  I had to start 
over and click on a different button somehow or other.  Sorry I'm being so 
vague.  Once I told it to burn a DVD instead of a CD, it worked.  When I told 
it to burn a CD with the DVD image, it didn't recognize that it was a DVD 
image, and happily offered to burn a bigger image than would fit on a CD.  
I'm saying I had to tell it by hand that it was a DVD, not a CD.  Or 
something.  Sorry, I'm really tired right now.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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