lenovo 3000 c200 and ubuntu studio

Maurício de Paula Kanno mauricio.kanno at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 17:32:12 BST 2007

I've given up install ubuntu studio. I tried many versions in many
repositories, I spent so much time downloading everything, and nothing was
ok. Message: use a CD. But there's more than 700 megabytes, then it's

Comparing to md5 file, always it's wrong.

I'm tired. Does anyone have a really good link?

Mauricio Kanno
Sao Paulo

2007/7/6, sergio <sergio at village-buzz.com>:
> does anyone know if these will play together?
> i installed ubuntu studio, and followed all the wiki recommendations
> and all the forum entries, but i couldn't get it to work..
> i gave up and installed planet ccrma, but had the same problem..
> i don't want to spend too much more time on it if it's not doable at
> this point..
> thanks!
> --
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