Composition thread

Luis de Bethencourt bethencourt at
Wed Dec 5 11:07:36 GMT 2007

On Dec 5, 2007 12:02 PM, adam faranda <adam.faranda at> wrote:
> I thought it might be neat to start a thread where people could post
> compositions they've made using studio; in .ogg or Mp3 format. I wasn't sure
> if this was the appropriate venue, or if posting ogg's would take up too
> much memory and clog up the list serv. I think it would be really cool
> though to hear what some other people are doing, As soon as I actually
> finish something, I'd get the ball rolling.
> ---- Adam

This would be very nice, but insted of sending to the mailing list
which is not convenient at all. Can you please upload somewhere and
link? If you don't have a webhost or similar, use mediaupload or

Waiting to see your compositions,
Luis de Bethencourt

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