[ubuntu-studio-devel] Long time Ubuntu user stepping up to dev.

Erich Eickmeyer erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Mon Oct 2 20:44:58 UTC 2023

Hi E,

I'm CCing this on the ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com list because 
that's where it would've been more appropriate as Ubuntu Studio is 
supposed to be a team project, and joining that list and sending there 
would've been more appropriate and would not have gone unnoticed. I'm 
not the only person who does anything with this, I just happen to be the 
leader. You can join that list at 

In addition, we highly encourage participation on irc.libera.chat in the 
#ubuntustudio-devel chatroom, as well as #ubuntustudio and 
#ubuntustudio-offtopic if you feel so inclined.

As far as updating from 18.04 (all Ubuntu releases are yy.mm and there 
are two per year, so specifying yy is imprecise) to 20.04, that's not a 
good idea as 18.04 of Ubuntu Studio is *LONG* end-of-life, and 20.04 of 
Ubuntu Studio went end-of-life in April since Ubuntu Studio only 
supports for 3 years on its LTS releases like all Ubuntu flavors that 
are not directly supported by Canonical.

Therefore, what you want to do is update to 22.04, but since 18.04 went 
EOL back in January 2019 for Ubuntu Studio (it wasn't an LTS for Ubuntu 
Studio for many reasons), and 18.04 for Ubuntu in general left standard 
support in April of this year, you'll have to do what's called an 
End-Of-Life upgrade. You'll be able to find instructions for that here: 

However, if you would like to participate in development, I'd encourage 
testing and running the latest development release which is 23.10 beta 
currently. We go into Final Freeze this Thursday in anticipation of 
23.10's release on October 12. So far, most everything has been 
ironed-out, and I'm just watching Ubuntu's kernel team get the kernel 
tested for some fixes that are affecting USB and JACK interaction, even 
under PipeWire.

So, at this point, it's all testing all the time. The more eyes, the 
better. Glad to hear that you find it reliable, and would love to 
welcome you to the team!

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
Technical Lead - Edubuntu

On 10/2/23 13:12, Johny Bravo wrote:
> Hello Erich;
> My name is E.  I use an alias on here because of security issues I am
> having with local internet and its causing my ubuntu to not load right
> on top of issues.
> So now I can't update from 18 to 20.   I need some help. I did a bunch
> of stuff last night and I want to contribute mabey with doing this bug
> trouble shoot with you then I can write about it steppig me up in the
> community.
> Thanks for the help and consideration.  I would like to over come all
> gov. and exterior private organization tracking andd viewing of my
> online traffic and my own systems. I am an ubuntu studio user and have
> several cloud spaces that  I am trying to get through the massive
> learning curve but am on Ubuntu for day to day use of my systems,
> Microsoft cause I like V.S Code and google because they are very good at
> what they do.
> I also have other parts of my cloud as well and its just daunting all
> the info.  The choices have costed me because there are just to many
> good things to work with as far as packaging.
> I am also an environementalist that believes in inovative businesss
> savving the earth with  the will for the greater good of all men in
> heart including honesty and fair trade.  I enjoy massive public events
> and have banner space I am building and interested in sugestions for
> server and AI archetecture and will of course that is availabele in kind
> to Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio.
> But any ways back to the bug issue its just something small - I might
> have it figured before I talk to you but just thought I would introduce
> my self - good job - great product for the time piece! Amazing and
> seemingly very good and reliable.
> Johny Bravo borealoxygen at gmail.com

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