[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio: We're out of space

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Thu Mar 24 20:40:31 UTC 2022

On Thu, 24 Mar 2022, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> More a long time lurker here and I used to use studio in the past.
> Wouldnt it be easier to strip everything to bare bones and allow the user to
> choose what apps to install on first login by popping up the package manager
> GUI?

We already have that option as a one package install that can work with 
any Ubuntu flavour. This package installs the bare minimum Studio packages 
and then allows adding various workflow metas to that.

However, the reason for providing an image with everything, is to provide:
 	A) An install that does not require network access
 	B) A live image that allows a user to try out just what
 		UbuntuStudio is with all SW.
 	C) A complete install with Studio specific theming and menus
 	D) A live image that can be used stand alone to do actual work.
 		(yes this is a subset of B above)

So rather than stripping things to "bare bones", it would make much more 
sense (if we wanted to abandon having a working live image, I don't think 
so) would be to provide a "PPA" on a stick... plug in the stick from any 
flavour, open it in a file manager and run an installer. The image could 
even be stacked as a second partition on the same stick as the desired 
flavour image. I guess an image with two paritions would work even easier. 
However, at that point, just providing a full size image with everything 
in one partition would be less work and less error prone not only in 
creating the image but also in creating the USB stick, using it and 
installing it.


Len Ovens

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