[ubuntu-studio-devel] Full ISO and some proposals

Dr. Stewart Thompson s.thompson at vcmexams.com
Thu Sep 30 17:55:50 UTC 2021

Hi All,

I usually keep out of discussions but as a music publisher I felt this hits my area of work.

It sounds odd but I broadly support this, even as someone who has used Ubuntu Studio as a publishing tool. First and foremost is that even with the availability of MusicXML Sibelius, Finale and Dorico still dominate the publishing profession, Encore in the US and Capella in Europe also still have users. They then tend to move to Adobe in the publishing process. I use a mixture of this or MuseScore/Scribus etc to produce our materials but also produce in-house so don’t need to have too much issue with needing to interact. If it’s a big job or cross firm we boot up Windows and use what we need.

Realistically I’d rather have the audio set up and out of the box then add in publishing materials as I need. It’s generally a fairly small set of programmes so if you are pinching for space it makes sense.   

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From: Erich Eickmeyer
Sent: 30 September 2021 18:19
To: ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [ubuntu-studio-devel] Full ISO and some proposals

Hi all,

We hit a limit. Apparently, between Sunday the 26th and Monday the 27th, the 
squashfs hit the technical limit of 4.0GB on our ISO image. Per ISO 9660, this 
is a hard limit as the file system is incapable of having a single file more 
than 4GB in size (the squashfs acts as a single file on the root of the ISO). 
Unfortunately, this means we need to take a hard look at what we preinstall by 
default and start eliminating some items.

As an emergency, I went ahead and removed a few duplicate items and one fairly 
large item, but it opened my eyes to a bigger picture issue. More on that 

In terms of deduplicating functionality, I removed jackd (not jackd2) since 
you can only have one anyhow. Also, I removed lmms which, in mine and Len's 
opinion, is an application that is stuck in the past using the older ladpsa 
(LV1) plugins and refuses to get any update. This is in favor of Ardour as our 
DAW of choice.

Other items:

 * Switched from ksysguard to the new plasma-systemmonitor for the desktop
 * Removed raysession in favor of agordejo and new-session-manager combined, 
which provides the same functionality with more backend support.
 * Removed simple-scan in favor of skanlite (a KDE scanner app)

However, this is just a bandaid.

My proposal is that we drop publishing as a category of apps that we install 
beginning with 22.04. My reasoning is that we're not very well-known for being 
a desktop publishing platform, and it blurs the line between "studio" and 
general-purpose. Moreover, people doing desktop publishing aren't exactly 
looking at Ubuntu Studio as we rarely see any questions about it. In fact, 
when people are reviewing Studio, they're a little surprised and perplexed to 
see such tools.

Len pointed out that while we could remove the publishing items, he feared 
that items in the graphics category would get removed. I assured him  that 
this is not the case; that while there's some overlap, removing the publishing 
meta would not remove any graphics items since the graphics meta still pullse 
those items in.

Removing the publishing meta would remove the following from the ISO:

 * scribus
 * calibre
 * pdfshuffler
 * plume-creator

I know this doesn't sound like much, but I think it would be good to save some 
space and no longer support desktop publishing as a category of items we 
install by default.

Let me know what you think.

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
Member - Ubuntu Community Council

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