[ubuntu-studio-devel] Big thanks to Dennis Braun and Ross Gammon!

Ross Gammon ubuntustudio at the-gammons.net
Thu Mar 4 21:09:40 UTC 2021

Hi Erich,

No problems. It is easier when you are not starting from zero and there
is already packaging to work from. :-)

This way we only need to upload something in Ubuntu if Debian gets
behind for some reason.

As a note. Debian is in a soft freeze at the moment, so new upstream
releases will probably go into experimental rather than unstable. This
is so that they won't get in the way of a small targeted bug fix for the
bullseye release. But you can always sync from experimental to Ubuntu if

I would like to get StudioControls, Carla and one of the session
managers into Debian too.



On 04/03/2021 20:21, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> Hi Ross and Dennis,
> I just wanted to thank you both for taking some packages I had downstream in 
> Ubuntu and upstreaming them to Debian. Dennis, you've been doing some great 
> work, and for that I'm thankful!
> I most recently saw dragonfly-reverb making its way into sid, and when the 
> build was complete I did a quick syncpackage. Of course, the very next day 
> (today), dragonfly-reverb 3.2.4 was released (looks like a fairly trivial 
> bugfix), so now the package is a wee bit out of date. :)
> Anyhow, I've also noticed numerous other packages (dpf-plugins, among others). 
> Since I got a job working on the Kubuntu Focus laptop, these packages getting 
> upstreamed reduces my maintenance workload on Ubuntu Studio.  Granted, after 
> Debian Import Freeze the workload is slightly higher, but every little bit 
> that you're doing helps.
> Dennis, I'd love to include you as part of the Ubuntu Studio team since your 
> work is directly affecting Ubuntu Studio. What do you think?
> And big thanks to Ross for being the amazing DD and sponsoring these packages. 
> You do amazing with supporting Ubuntu Studio from the Debian side, and I'm 
> glad you're on the team.
> As you both probably know, there are numerous other packages which could stand 
> to be upstreamed as well. If you see anything that is Ubuntu-only, feel free 
> to take it on.
> Again, thank you both. Also CC'd the ubuntu-studio-devel mailing list so that 
> others could see the work that you're doing. :)

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