[ubuntu-studio-devel] Future of Jamin

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Tue Jan 5 16:28:41 UTC 2021


I was taking a look at some of the build failures for our packages
(archive rebuild for GCC-10), and Jamin is one that is failing.

Upstream have not committed anything since 2015 (sourceforge) and I
could not find a valid fork.

Jamin was removed from Debian Testing in 2017 and nobody has stepped
into maintain the package there (Jonas has stepped down). It was kicked
out of testing for the same GCC-10 issue.

It is likely that it will be removed from Debian.

Should we preemptively remove Jamin from our seeds? I assume it's
typical use case of taking over mastering from Ardour is no longer



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