[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio 20.04 beta test

Erich Eickmeyer eeickmeyer at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 6 17:06:20 UTC 2020

(sending again because I accidentally sent directly to Norman not to the 

Hi Norman,

On 4/6/20 9:38 AM, Norman C LeDonne Jr wrote:
> Hi all,
> I tested Ubuntu Studio 20.04 beta in a virtualbox virtual machine.  
> The first two tests were successful.  On the third test, I could not 
> get youtube to play at all; it froze while loading ads.  I did try 
> youtube.com/html5 <http://youtube.com/html5>; however, I was still 
> unsuccessful.
> I have tried several times to log the results.  I checked my browser 
> and popups are enabled for the web address, JavaScript is enabled.  I 
> want to report results, and thought that this approach will be 
> something the team could use.
No issues on bare metal here, so it is probably a Virtualbox issue with 
their video drivers. I know that I've had sporadic experience with 
virtual machines and the Lowlatency kernel. Virtualbox is good for smoke 
testing or non-heavy tasks, but not good for using it as a daily driver.

To reiterate, what you ran into was probably a virtualbox issue.

Just my 2c.

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio

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