[ubuntu-studio-devel] Web design/theme contribution

eylul eylul at ubuntustudio.org
Mon Jul 8 14:50:45 UTC 2019

Hi again,

Alright some additional things based on seeing the theme options from
the admin side. (thanks very much for the user account). Some of these
things might be items that was going to be handled during the ongoing
edits so if that is the case I apologize in advance. :)



Description text ("Ubuntu Studio provide the full range...") is not
editable. Generally it would be helpful if any text is editable. This is
useful for future proofing the site but also in case we end up needing a

Action: "Get Ubuntu Studio" and "Latest Version" is not editable. Link
text and url are not editable. I see that the links go to internal pages
with detailed links but it would be helpful if we can change this down
the line.

[optional] This is a question to the team. Do we ever see a situation
where we will want to have 2 versions announced: 1 latest stable and one
LTS on front page, as such need 2 subtitles in this category? Currently
the layout is hard coded to one subtitle. (e.g. only bionic or only
disco but not both)


[optional] allow extending total category count to 9 and reduce it to 3.
I don't expect us to need it, but it would be nice if we have options if
we end up with 7 categories or 3 categories. If this is easy to do it
would be very useful, but if it will cause a headache to code it really
isn't a huge deal, we can probably work around it and make sure we
always have between 4-6. :)


custom social media links give random icons (e.g. mastodon is currently
showing as apple pay). Social media platforms come and go, and open
source software sometimes have its own unique platforms: launchpad,
telegram, fediverse etc. so it is pretty critical that we can speicify
the images ourselves. This way we can extend our iconset (I assume the
one used is a CC licensed one) or switch to one with more options
depending on our resources at the time.

If this is not feasible I'll argue that the text based social media
links might be better a solution for us as pretty as the icons look.


I hope this is helpful.



On 7/7/19 10:10 PM, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> Hi Shinta
> On 7/7/2019 7:45 AM, Shinta Carolinasari wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I apologize for the late progress.
>> We are keep working on it, and here's the latest progress:
>> http://ubuntustudio.playmain.com/
>> There are outstanding things need to be done, it not finished yet, eg:
>> -inner pages refinement and create page template variations
>> -documentation
>> -make ubuntu fonts self hosted instead of google fonts
>> -bug fixings, polishing and optimization
>> -Testing, follow WP theme testing/checklist, cross browsers/device
>> Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestion based on
>> current progress.
>> In case you have expected due date when this need to be delivered,
>> please just let me know.
>> Regards,
>> Shinta
> Thanks for the update! I will note that (and this is me being nitpicky)
> we need to stick to the Ubuntu Branding Guidelines, and that the CoF
> logo, in order to show uniformity with Ubuntu and its official flavors,
> needs to remain within a black, white, or blue circle.
> Here's a link to the git repository with all of the official .svg
> versions of the logo:
> https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-artwork/+git/current-standard/tree/
> I hope this helps. Otherwise, I'm in complete agreement with Len and
> others who have said this looks great. Also, as Len said, making the
> change staring with 20.04 LTS would be excellent timing. :)
> Thanks,
> Erich
> ----
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Project Leader
> Ubuntu Studio
> ubuntustudio.org
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