[ubuntu-studio-devel] Web design/theme contribution

Shinta Carolinasari shinta at playmain.com
Sun Apr 14 03:08:33 UTC 2019

Dear all,

So I was looking for design-oriented Linux distro that has good support 
on Wacom penabled and discovered Ubuntu Studio, and then excited about it.

Thanks for your effort for providing this great Linux distro. Hopefully, 
the community remains active and growing.

While this distro is actively developed, I noticed that the website 
design hasn't been updated for a while. Still nice, but feels a bit 
outdated, eg: not adopting responsive design yet... while other Ubuntu 
flavors family website (Lubuntu, etc) are.
I believe there is room for improvement on the website so it can be more 
modern thus promote the distro better.

Wondering if you have plan for website redesign and open for a contribution?
If so, we can help to contribute web design as well as building the 
Wordpress theme.
We have an initial concept for the homepage.
Please check at:

About the design:
-Modern look, mobile-first responsive design.
-Isometric vector-style illustration, that represent ubuntu studio 
powering various creative works (audio, graphic, etc) will be 
implemented with little animation.
-The information architecture is still similar to the current website.
-Homepage main focus is introducing what&why is Ubuntu studio, (need to 
put the best screenshots here).
-And several download link area to drive more downloads.
-the font uses Ubuntu, and background photo (at footer) is free from 

A bit about us:
We are a small family team: Bayu (designer) & Shinta (front end 
builder), from Indonesia. We have personal web studio (playmain.com) as 
a pet project, that also love to contribute to various free & open 
source software. Eg: Recently we did the Audacity website 

Design workflow:
We are mainly still using Windows, (besides a bit Lubuntu and Ubuntu 
studio), however, when designing this concept, we limit ourselves to 
only use free tools that available in Linux.
-Krita for raw sketch
-Inkscape for drawing
-Figma.com (web tool) for wireframe/prototyping.
That was exciting, We think Linux today is fine for web design workflow. 
Especially with a new web-based tool like Figma.

Let us know what do you think and we are open for suggestion & feedback :-)

Thank you,


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