[ubuntu-studio-devel] Some thoughts, (Off Topic)

Hank Stanglow stanglow at yandex.com
Mon Sep 24 04:33:47 UTC 2018

On 09/23/2018 07:45 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 16:09:33 -0700, Hank Stanglow wrote:
>> growing emphasis on Snaps
> But even if you stay with Ubuntu and snaps, it's not easy to use it for
> pro-audio software, if possible at all.
The point I was trying to make is the distribution model is changing. 
Flathub has a lot of options, and I've seen quite a few projects go for 
the self contained "Appimage" model (LMMS for example). Almost half the 
software I use for multimedia comes containerized rather than from a 
traditional repository model -- that goes for an Ardour subscription as 

And there is also the WINE effect. It works really well these days. In a 
lot of cases you can get a Windows "hassle free" audio experience in a 
Linux OS, and you don't need a custom distribution for WINE.

This is just my experience and I can't speak for Ubuntu Studio users.

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