[ubuntu-studio-devel] Plasma Desktop

Mark Constable markc at renta.net
Tue Oct 30 10:56:07 UTC 2018

On 30/10/18 8:31 pm, Thomas Pfundt wrote:
>> I recently read that Ubuntu Studio may be adopting the Plasma 
>> Desktop, or at least adding it as an "official" option.
> Offering Plasma as an alternative desktop environment was> discussed as one option for future releases, however this has> meanwhile been dropped due to our lack of workforce available.

Thank you for your reply. I'm not interested in anything other than
the Plasma desktop so would there be anyone other folks on this list
that might also be interested in a "Plasma Studio" version of US?

I'd be happy to join a dedicated forum or list if anyone knows of
any possible linkage with other Kubuntu/Neon A/V users?

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