[ubuntu-studio-devel] Started addon and branding packaging

Erich Eickmeyer erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Tue Oct 30 00:55:54 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I just started the process of breaking the lowlatency grub settings and
the swappiness settings away from -default-settings into their own
packages (however, still within the -default-settings umbrella and
source package) as ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings and
ubuntustudio-swappiness-settings. These two packages can be added to any
flavor to get the swappiness settings and the lowlatency kernel settings.

Additionally, I added the ubuntustudio-gnome-branding package to the
-look source package, and its job is to rebrand a GNOME installation
(read: default Ubuntu install) as Ubuntu Studio. This includes changing
the purple gdm3.css to the vanilla Adwaita theme since this matches the
Ubuntu Studio branding better.Only reason I've done this is since I'd
already done the legwork. It did require a slight modification to the
Plymouth theme package, but it's just adding a logo for gdm3 to reference.

These should be available in the Autobuilds PPA momentarily if you wish
to test.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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