[ubuntu-studio-devel] Cosmic Release Notes

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Thu Oct 18 13:16:18 UTC 2018

On 10/18/2018 05:32 AM, Hank Stanglow wrote:
> On 10/17/2018 07:55 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>> On Oct 17, 2018, at 4:34 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:
>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CosmicCuttlefish/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio
>> Hi,
>> just a warning regarding GIMP 2.10.6.
>> Two days ago I used it on Arch Linux. It's more or less unusable.
> Oh wow, thanks for that important first hand account. I've been looking
> forward to GIMP 2.10 for several months. It's a HUGE release for them
> and I hope they get a stable version soon.
> Thanks for all the hard work Ralf.

Thanks all for the suggestions. I have taken them on board (I think).

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