[ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Fwd: Non-final, but very testable (hint, hint) Cosmic RC builds

Ross Gammon ubuntustudio at the-gammons.net
Wed Oct 17 17:23:55 UTC 2018

On 10/14/2018 06:03 PM, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Oct 2018, Ross Gammon wrote:


> In particular, ubuntustudio-controls has had the most changes. Please
> test it to death.
> -- 
> Len Ovens
> www.ovenwerks.net

Hi Len,

I was a bit limited on the hardware I could test controls with, but
there were no crashes :-)

I noticed that if you click on "Start Jack" or "Stop Jack", the check
box for "Autostart Jack for session" is checked and unchecked without me
clicking there. Is this deliberate, or should I file a bug? It is not

Maybe it is time for us to re-write the "Post Installation" ISO testcase
to use controls instead of Qjackctl? We would need to use something else
to view the connections for the Jack sink/source.



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