[ubuntu-studio-devel] Meeting Notes 2018-06-23

Erich Eickmeyer erich at ericheickmeyer.com
Sat Jun 23 20:28:58 UTC 2018

In the future, I'll probably stick this in a spot on the Wiki since it's all in the proper markdown format.

== Meeting information ==
 * #ubuntustudio-devel Meeting, 23 Jun at 19:02 — 20:17 UTC
 * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntustudio-devel/2018/ubuntustudio-devel.2018-06-23-19.02.log.html]]

== Meeting summary ==

=== New People ===
The discussion about "New People" started at 19:13.
  * None were present

=== Current Projects ===
The discussion about "Current Projects" started at 19:29.

  * OvenWerks nearly done with -controls, creating manpages
  * OvenWerks starting work on Plasma.
  * ''DONE:'' Audio Handbook Release
  * ''DONE:'' -look Symbolic Links created for Plasma to reference wallpapers
  * ''DONE:'' Change logo in -icons, -look, and -menu to white logo on blue circle, uniform with other flavors.
  * eylul and Eickmeyer working on website and access to backend for new theme
  * ''ACTION:'' Eickmeyer working on backend access to website

=== Replace lightdm with sddm ===
The discussion about "Replace lightdm with sddm" started at 19:39.

  * topic tabled until OvenWerks can give input & present case.

=== New Plymouth Theme ===
The discussion about "New Plymouth Theme" started at 19:44.

  * ''ACTION:'' eylul working on Plymouth theme

=== Wallpaper ===

  * ''Vote:'' Wallpaper Resolution to be 4K (Carried)
  * ''ACTION:'' eylul to look into minimizing file size without losing integrity.

== Vote results ==

 * [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntustudio-devel/2018/ubuntustudio-devel.2018-06-23-19.02.log.html#181 Wallpaper Resolution to be 4K]]
  * Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 3/0/1)
   *  Voters captain-tux, krytarik, Eickmeyer, eylul

== Action items, by person ==

 * eylul
  * eylul working on Plymouth theme
  * eylul to look into minimizing file size without losing integrity.
 * Eickmeyer
  * Eickmeyer working on backend access to website

== Done items ==

 * Audio Handbook Release
 * -look Symbolic Links created for Plasma to reference wallpapers
 * Change logo in -icons, -look, and -menu to white logo on blue circle, uniform with other flavors.

== People present (lines said) ==

 * Eickmeyer (93)
 * eylul (85)
 * meetingology (15)
 * captain-tux (11)
 * krytarik (5)

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