[ubuntu-studio-devel] Packaging

Ross Gammon rosco at ubuntustudio.org
Fri Apr 20 09:57:43 UTC 2018

Hi All,

I am afraid I am tied up at the moment and can't help with the wallpaper
upload. It would need sponsorship anyway, but I would have at least
reviewed it to make sure the sponsorship went smooth. As we are not
doing an LTS release, it is probably OK to wait until after the release.
Then we can start afresh with the new invigorated team for 18.10.

If anyone would like to try and upload the wallpaper, it is best to have
a read of the Ubuntu Packaging Guide
(https://community.ubuntu.com/t/package-maintenance/37). You test the
package by uploading it to your ppa, and then upgrading it in your US
development machine. Once you are happy with it, you need to get a
sponsor to review and upload ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess).

For more details of packaging, the Debian documentation is best:



For the long run, to get good at packaging it is best to start
maintaining a package in Debian. With the mentors site, the support
network is excellent. Just choose a package that interests you. Then the
skills you learn there are easily transferable to Ubuntu. I can help
with sponsorship in Debian, because I am now a Debian Developer. Just be
patient with me, as time is tight these days.



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