[ubuntu-studio-devel] Wallpaper
eylul at ubuntustudio.org
Thu Apr 12 15:52:23 UTC 2018
Thanks Len, Thomas, Erich and Set! :)
For Thomas's two comments, the icon WAS a bit off-centered. I must have
shifted it at some point, thank you for catching that. The color issue
is a bit trickier. There is actually a range of blue hues in there, and
that part is very intentional, opting for more depth (and clarity of the
icon without adding too much brightness contrast) over exact hue match.
I did however try to tone down the ultramarine tones down a little on
the new version, which will help with cohesiveness... hopefully? :D
Corrected version and extra screen background are linked below.
Set, I got your email just as I had uploaded these. :) They are not
seamless, but the goal was to make sure second screen could be on side,
bottom, or a different resolution and still work. I can try to make a
seamless version through if we need that too.
I do need to step out for next few hours but I will finish these with
any last corrections. I might need some help uploading (as I haven't
done it before but would like to as it is an easy case to learn it) but
will try to get that done later tonight (late night EU timezone) :)
On 04/12/2018 06:40 PM, Set Hallström wrote:
> On April 12, 2018 1:17:46 AM GMT+02:00, eylul <eylul at ubuntustudio.org> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Here is a preview of the proposed wallpaper for 18.04.
>> You can view full resolution version
>> http://s.eyluldogruel.com/ubuntustudio/UbuntuStudio1804.jpg Created
>> using Inkscape, Krita and Darktable. I'll work on second screen part if
>> we plan to go ahead with it. Continue? Abort? :)
>> As for additional wallpapers. I do have my photographs to offer
>> (probably the most up to date place to browse is my mastodon:
>> https://mastodon.art/@eylul/media, please ignore the occasional cat and
>> screenshot mixed in there. ;) ) Most of the images have high resolution
>> versions available, without watermark (obviously). A couple more people
>> also offered during the meeting, so we could pool different items in
>> and
>> pick a few if we opt to go for that route, either on this release on
>> 18.10.
>> Best
>> Eylul
>> On 04/07/2018 11:41 PM, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
>>> Present: ErichEickmeyer, OvenWorks, eylul, alem, captain-tux_, pmd11
>>> * Eylul to look into change or add wallpaper for 18.04
>>> * Install-time package selection bug fixed, request for testers.
>>> * ubuntustudio-controls to be updated for 18.10 to add the
>> following
>>> features:
>>> o set cpu governor, turn on/off Intel Boost
>>> o choose audio device
>>> o run jack from session start (or not)
>>> o hotplugging USB mics selecting a non-standard set of outputs
>>> for pulse-jack bridging
>>> o Using more than one audio device even if internal
>>> o bridging ALSA midi to jack midi
>>> o a “Safely remove USB Audio Device” button
>>> o Future improvements to include tabs for video use or graphics
>>> setups.
>>> * Change in default DE or adding option of DE being considered for
>>> 18.10. Those discussed included
>>> o Gnome Shell
>>> o KDE Plasma
>>> o MATE
>>> * Adaptation of Ubuntu MATE welcome app for Ubuntu Studio being
>>> considered for 18.10, would replace “ubuntustudio-installer”.
>>> Anyone who can, please install the latest Daily ISO to test the
>>> install-time package selection. This is our final push to the RC on
>>> April 19th, so we need to find the bugs.
>>> Next meeting will be same time next week.
>>> 22:00 EEST/MSK in Helsinki, Moscow, Ankara
>>> 21:00 CEST in Stockholm, Berlin, Paris, Madrid
>>> 20:00 BST in London
>>> 19:00 UTC/GMT
>>> 15:00 EDT in New York, Toronto
>>> 12:00 PDT in Los Angeles, Vancouver
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erich
> Nice!
> On a side-note regarding double screen (if understand it correctly): if you made it seamless that wouldn't be a problem and it would fit any screen or setup... Just a suggestion :)
> --
> Set Hallström AKA Sakrecoer
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