[ubuntu-studio-devel] Release Cycle for 18.04

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Wed Apr 11 19:09:13 UTC 2018

On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:

> I’ve been speaking with Simon Quigley and he suggested that, due to 
> manpower, we drop 18.04 from being LTS and just go with a 9-month 
> release for this cycle. Thoughts?

This is OK with me. I don't know that it changes anything, wouldn't the 
packages still end up getting maintained in an LTS manner? It would mean 
there was no 18.04.3 etc. but that just means a bigger update if someone 
wanted 18.04 a bit later. In other words whatever packages xubuntu uses 
would still get updates. The kernel might not as we are the only ones 
using lowlatency...

Len Ovens

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