[ubuntu-studio-devel] Sunday Meetings (was: US still alive !)

eylul eylul at ubuntustudio.org
Thu Apr 5 12:26:17 UTC 2018

I will be there unless something unexpected comes up. :)



On 04/05/2018 12:41 PM, Set Hallstrom wrote:
> On 2018-04-04 01:30, Thomas Pfundt wrote:
>> On April 3, 2018 8:34 PM, Erich Eickmeyer <erich at ericheickmeyer.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately. 10:00 (PDT) is a horrible time for me. I work for a
>>> church (specifically, audio & video production) and am eyeballs
>>> deep in services at that time. If there is another day at the same
>>> time, I’m pretty open for that.
>> On April 3, 2018 9:23 PM, Len Ovens <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>>> I am in a similar position, I need to be out the door 15-20 mins
>>> before that time and won't be back till 3 hours later at the
>>> earliest, 6 if my wife is working and needs to be picked up.
>> Well, okay. That's not going to work out. How does Saturday sound,
>> then? Same time?
> Saturdays are complicated for me. Sometimes it might work though, This
> coming one is impossible. But it's OK, go ahead without me I'll read up
> on the IRC log. :)
> If only the newest members are present, it might give birth to funky
> ideas and impossible stuff, but i still think it is a good way to get to
> know each other and i'd rather see everyone go beyond the limits in
> terms of brainstorming: it will help us identify said limits and explore
> them. It is also my belief that it's easier to roll the rock back down
> than it is to push it up. Either way, hopefully someone with more
> experience will be able to attend.

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