[ubuntu-studio-devel] Our website

Hank Stanglow stanglow at yandex.com
Wed May 31 02:13:51 UTC 2017

Count me in with those who thing everything should be encrypted, 
including email and SMS. Now that Let's Encrypt exists I can't see any 
reason not to use https. I just did a nmap of ubuntustudio.org and see 
that it's running Apache 2.4.7 on Ubuntu which I believe means 14.04 
(Trusty). Setting up Let's Encrypt on 14.04 is a bit of a hassle. I 
tried it for a few days before giving up and upgrading my server to 
16.04 to use the new and improved letsencrypt tool. It's works almost 
perfectly, you just need to make a script and cron job to renew the 
certificate every three months (there is a plan to make newer versions 
of the letsencrypt utility environment aware).

I would definitely contact the ubuntustudio.org webmaster and discuss https.

On 05/30/2017 01:07 PM, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
> Many feel that all of the Internet should move to https simply to remove
> the usefulness of governmental bulk surveillance tools, many of which
> cannot handle https for "off the wire" surveillance. Thus the existance of
> things like the "https everywhere" extension for Firefox.
> On 5/30/2017 at 3:12 PM, "Len Ovens" <len at ovenwerks.net> wrote:
>> I had this conversation on IRC. Anyone know if this is a problem?
>> My web
>> understanding is old.

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