[ubuntu-studio-devel] Legacy Support

Helios Martinez Dominguez helios.cobain.stefani at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 23:41:41 UTC 2017

Greetings, once again.

I would not like to appear insisting nor recurrent in sight of my previous
digests, yet there is another issue i would like to address, as i feel it
is our concern as developers, even if my input has been few about the
overall development process. The fact is, since 12.04, there has been a
strong lack of legacy support for the outdated hardware, which i believe
remains as one of the main motivation for Linux distributions all over.
While there seems consistent that Microsoft and Apple provide the ultimate
technology support for their standards and drop support to those appliances
which no longer produce or rely on, the main line of action about Linux
developers, administrators and users remain about recovering, updating and
making use of legacy hardware all around the globe, which seem to me have
been overlooked by the Ubuntu Studio distribution since 12 or 13 and above.
It is understandable to provide a common ground for compatibility and keep
providing downloading links for the previous versions which have been
relying on deprecated hardware and configurations, yet the legacy support
which characterizes Linux ideal of working seems to be overlooked while the
distribution advances forward to brand new hardware, appearing there are
commercial linkage to hardware manufacturers and sellers, while should not
be the case. This is my personal appreciation as i happen to rely on legacy
hardware to keep providing myself for computational and informatic services
while the technology race goes on as fast as it wants to. I believe there
is strong resonance on the matter all through the community and it should
be noticed and taken on account on future versions, even if it seems to
require heavier code
​ ​
(when actually is usually lighter code which is required to provide for
legacy support)
​ and more disk (iso) space.

There should be a way to provide x86 support natively while providing x64
upgrading on the go as detected, as needed or as stated. It would allow to
remain lighter ISO's, support legacy hardware with lower performance​ than
commercially available and upgrade to a more recent configuration as
required. I would like to configure such code myself as i consider i am a
great developer and could (and should) provide myself with such
requirements as needed, yet my knowledge on the procedure is poor at the
time and it would take longer to study and practice all the way through the
learning process than to proceed to ask for someone else who does knows,
works and relies on the procedure on a periodic basis. As such, i formally
ask the development team to address my request into such matter, as
possible. Thanks in advance. Good day.



*Helios Martínez Domínguez*Consorcio Cooperativo Cinematográfico Artístico
Musical (CCCAM) -- Director General

helios.url.ph                                  cccam.esy.es


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