[ubuntu-studio-devel] Video

Thomas Pfundt tux at pfundtdesign.de
Sun Sep 18 10:54:54 UTC 2016

Hey guys,

I just saw the second video and I really like it visually! Love the
construction of the logo at the end.

I just have two general suggestions:

First, did you try adding slight transition effects to the
text/backgrounds? Sometimes only animating the text to scale down by 5%
from fading in to fading out makes it look less static, or making the
images in the background move in any direction by a few pixels. But
those are also style choices, of course, so I don't know if you
deliberately chose not to.

Secondly, regarding the content, wouldn't it be logical to at least name
the common substitutes for the industry standard Adobe software that
people might have encountered when researching GNU/Linux native
software? I'm personally missing Inkscape and Scribus, which people
would likely use as substitutes for Illustrator and InDesign
respectively and Blender or Kdenlive could also open a 3D/compositing
category. Just one thought and the way I understand it, you got the text
from the official website anyway.

Also, the text in the beginning disappears just a little tad too fast
for my taste and I'm not a very slow reader, but could be fine.

Other than that, great work! :)

Kind regards,

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