[ubuntu-studio-devel] Art Team! 10th Birthday Wallpaper Contest

Set Hallstrom set at ubuntustudio.org
Sun Nov 27 11:28:23 UTC 2016

Thank you very much for setting this up cfhowlett! You rock!

Like i said on IRC, i think ttoine and Eylul's feedback is very good and
you should take it in account. Then feel free to proceed with sending it
out from any and all the channels we have available :)

I offer to add something to the contest:
We make a devel-team's choice: that is an internal vote of the 3 best
submissions. I will sponsor an UbuntuStudio t-shirt as a prize for them.
(Given they agree to share their postal-adress/P.O. Box of course)

Looking forward to see what comes out of this!

Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer

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