[ubuntu-studio-devel] Art Team! 10th Birthday Wallpaper Contest

eylul eylul at ubuntustudio.org
Mon Nov 21 11:15:29 UTC 2016

This looks great overall! Now some comments:

1) works should also be licensed with an open license. (we can narrow
that down further to something like CC-SA, CC and CC0 and GPL only)
Submitters should at least specify what the license is if not add a copy
of the license file.

2) any source images or resources used must also be either original
work, or compatible with the license of the work they are submitted, and
credited if the open license of the 3rd party source requires it so.
This might not be necessary to clarify in announcement but when
submitting the work the artists explicitly confirms they have not used
anything that is not properly licensed, and we should have a place for
them to add the 3rd party credits. This should also prevent people from
using photographs that they don't own as basis of their work.

3) The whole "this must be original artwork no photography" part is
jarring (and is likely to cause offense) considering photography is art.
Using photography is not some bad thing, its just not what we want in
this contest :) So, instead of a "no photography" how about clarifying.

"General Guidelines

The contest is open to paintings and illustrations created with any open
sourced 2-D and 3-D software. Both representative and abstract works are

Submissions must include sourcefiles..."

I hope these ideas help, and thanks again for working on this. :)



On 11/21/2016 10:36 AM, C. F. Howlett wrote:
> Hey UbuntuStudio:
> I'm preparing to run a wallpaper contest for the 10th Year of Ubuntu 
> Studio (17.04 for those who were unaware).
> I learned some valuable lessons from the 16.04 contest so this time will 
> be a bit different in the hopes of yielding some truly outstanding 
> results.  Please review the draft announcement below and provide feedback.
> *********************************
> Digital Artist Call
> Ubuntu Studio 17.04 Wallpapers
> Would you like YOUR artwork to be prominently featured on millions of 
> desktops?  Yes?  Read on!
> With the forthcoming 17.04 release, Ubuntu Studio, the Linux for 
> Creative Humans, celebrates Ten (!) years of life!  We ask your help to 
> polish the look and feel of our favorite OS.  Over the next few months, 
> we will call on your brains and creative impulses.  Here’s one way YOU 
> can add your own special flair; create, design and submit a 
> custom-designed US desktop wallpaper!
> General Guidelines
> Only ORIGINAL art will be considered – no derivatives
> NO photographs!  (But photo-realistic creations are acceptable.)
> Art must be created in open-source software, e.g. those included Ubuntu 
> Studio.
> Submissions must include source files.
> One or more of the general work-flow elements (audio, graphics, video) 
> must be incorporated in the design.  Liliu Hua, an UbuntuKylin artist, 
> did this quite elegantly.  Zoom in to see the magic. [url filtered] Look 
> closely.
> Only ONE submission per artist.
> Ten wallpapers will be selected and packaged for 17.04.  The submission 
> deadline is February 28th, 2017.
> Additional technical specifications can be found on the Art Team wiki. 
> [url filtered]
> You can view previous contributions at the Ubuntu Studio Flickr 
> collection. [url filtered]

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