[ubuntu-studio-devel] Audio plugins

Set Hallstrom set at ubuntustudio.org
Thu May 5 09:07:37 UTC 2016

Ralf: i am not having the conversation of what is medicore bad or worst
way between digital/analogue/harware/software to make music.

It's ok to point out lacks and caveats, and thinker about where and how
we can tackle them. But if the point is just to enumerate personal
frustration, personal technical savynes without providing a tangible and
ubuntustudio related solution/workarround/alternative, at best this is
the wrong list, at worst we destroy morale.

However, as so often Len delivers the gem from the core of the coal-stone :)

On 2016-05-04 16:18, Len Ovens wrote:

> I have been thinking about this. There are some new plugin sets out
> there, some of which we have packages for and some we don't. It seems to
> me that the old ladspa plugins just get in the way and are most often
> available as LV2s anyway. So my first thought was why still have them?
> However, there are Applications out there that do not support LV2s.
> LMMS, Non-mixer, other proprietary DAWs. So perhaps what is needed is an
> applet that disables plugins we don't want to see. I don't know if
> merely setting executable off would do the trick or not. In any case
> this would allow one to pick the strong plugins from each plugin bundle.
> (yes Calf does have some strong plugins too, they have the only plugin
> that plays sound fonts for example)
> So to my list of projects to work on I will add a plugin manager...
> unless someone can find one already available.

This is the way to go: describe a problem, encircle it and propose a
solution. I really think we need to stop "envy" the other products, and
create cool music whilst keeping in mind that if the pride of ones
creation solely comes from the tools in use, regardless of its price
tag; one becomes a consumerist, not an artist.




LukefromDC: i felt sortof uplifted by your anecdote from the 1990. Being
an ignorant savant in audio (i am a "tweak it till it Hz" kindof guy), i
wish i could capture the essence and importance of that DIY-to-the core,
sort of "i want to do this hence i can" spirit that came through your
lines. :) Ray Charles made timeless music with tools that, wouldn't it
be for the nostalgic value Ray amongst other induced them with, would be
considered unbearably complicated time-wasting crap today.

Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer
Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer

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