[ubuntu-studio-devel] Help Us Put Some Polish on Ubuntu Studio

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Wed May 4 19:33:50 UTC 2016

On Wed, 04 May 2016 21:14:05 +0200, brian at linuxsynths.com wrote:

I won't read the wiki right now, but I already read the first chapter.
"noatime" for example is an option I'm using just in case, but OTOH
I doubt that it really makes a difference for most audio productions on
most modern computers. Assumed "atime" is allowed, it only means, that
each time a file is read, the date when it is read is written. This
could have impact to the performance, but unlikely does really matter
nowadays. A lot of optimisation isn't required. Assumed something
should be fishy for real-time usage, then usually tweaks such as
"noatime", unbinding USB devices, that share an interrupt request etc.
won't fix an issue.

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