[ubuntu-studio-devel] Call for Ardour Backport Testing

WMID wachin.id at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 22:18:02 UTC 2016

UbuntuStudio team, thanks for the Ardour Backport, this is because the
default Ardour that come with UbuntuStudio 16.04 not working fine.

When I set QjackCtl to 128 square/periods and try to save my voice at the
same time that I hear in the laptop the reproductions, appear a message
that said that is not possible to write in the hard drive because a no are
sync. Sorry not have a snapshot and I am a spanish parlant, no remember

But with 4.7 in Backport working fine:

Ardour (4.7) Backport Testing
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/backport-testing
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ardour

Thanks: Ross Gammon for build

- Wachín

2016-06-21 15:33 GMT-05:00 autumna <autumna at gmail.com>:

> Bumping up Ross' email. Continuing from tonight's meeting, do we want to
> put this to forum and/or blog so that if anyone wants to help out from our
> user base they are aware?
> autumna
> On 05/27/2016 10:59 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As Set pointed out, we now have the latest version of Ardour ready to be
>> tested for Backporting to Xenial and Trusty. We need to test that all of
>> the binary packages install OK, and work. We also need to check all
>> reverse dependencies, but as these are mostly "metapackages",it
>> shouldn't be an issue.
>> Q: I want to help, so how do I test?
>> A:
>> Step 1 - You need a Trusty and/or Xenial LTS installation of Ubuntu
>> Studio that you don't mind potentially breaking
>> Step 2 - follow the instructions
>> (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/backport-testing
>> )
>> to add our Backport Testing ppa and do an apt-get update, then apt-get
>> upgrade.
>> Step 3 - Give the new version of Ardour a test run. If you are pretty
>> new to Ardour, you could try running our Manual Test Procedure:
>> http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/361/builds/117793/testcases/1672/results
>> Step 4 - Add a comment to the backport bug and tell us whether it was
>> Trusty/Xenial or both that you tested, which binary packages exactly,
>> and how things went.
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/trusty-backports/+bug/1584930
>> Once we have enough evidence that it is working, we can ask someone from
>> the backports team to recommend it's upload to the archive.
>> If you have any problems, then sing out!
>> Regards,
>> Ross
>> PS: We would like to backport our other priority packages. The process
>> is not that hard with the great tools in Ubuntu, so checkout the
>> following wiki and follow the links to help out with that as well:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/BackportsList
> --
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Ingeniero en Alimentos
Washington Indacochea Delgado
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