[ubuntu-studio-devel] Add and remove packages

Set Hallstrom set at ubuntustudio.org
Mon Jul 25 11:57:32 UTC 2016

måndagen den 25:e juli 2016 kl. 13:03:00 CEST, Ralf Mardorf 
<ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> skrev:
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:00:50 +0200, Set Hallstrom wrote:
>>Could we get started on this list of work items sometime soon perhaps?
>>I'd love to help, but i have no proper experience with that kind of
>>packaging. But i'd love to learn...
> Why doesn't somebody provide step by step examples too the mailing list,
> when making the next packages. IOW really everything, how to package,
> how and what to upload. What to care about regarding Ubuntu policy.
> Since everything like this is kept as a secret, resp. is only provided
> by crappy English documentations, nobody is able to help you.

that would be very nice, yes! :) zequence made quite a lot of documentation 
about it, 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioPackageMaintenance but
there is only that much docs one person can write while having a hole bunch 
of other responsabilities in check, and i can't find docs on how to remove 
or add apps to a package, for example add drumgizmo to 

what i can offer in exchange of someone guiding me step by step, is to 
document the process as i exectute it... :)

Set Hallström
Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer

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