[ubuntu-studio-devel] Would Ubuntu Studio Team be Interested in Partnering with New England Conservatory?

Set Sakrecoer set at ubuntustudio.org
Fri Jul 8 09:12:33 UTC 2016

On 2016-07-08 03:37, Devin wrote:
> On 07/07/2016 05:58 PM, Set Hallstrom wrote:
>>> Also I still think that a clear, "official-ish" message from the
>>> > core team of Ubuntu Studio would be a great asset. So far, I have
>>> > been telling people that "If NEC students provide bug reports,
>>> > Ubuntu developers will respond to fix them". Does that sound
>>> > correct?
>>> >
>> No, it doesn't sound correct. We are a small team of volunteers 
>> working
>> for the love of Art under the Ubuntu (canonical) umbrella, and we
>> haven't given you any such promises. Have you talked to Canonical?
> Okay, I get it now. Thanks!
> I am trying to get in contact with Canonical.
> It is just that the "Studio" in Ubuntu Studio is a much more promising
> sell for a music school that is generally fearful of venturing into the
> unfamiliar world of technology.
> I will start communicating with Canonical about partnership stuff. 
> Thanks!
> If I get students, I will say that they can join the Ubuntu Studio
> community and show them where to go (mail list, IRC, website)--I think 
> I
> can promise that (with no other promises).

Hi Devin!

Glad to see you got me alright. Crossing fingers for you! It may be 
something benefiting for US too anyways if canonical gets motivated in 
helping out a little closer to the flavor. And your students are welcome 
to join the community.

I feel i came off a little harsh because I thought better safe than 
sorry. I would have hated to see you come out wrong in your own context, 
there for i put my foot down harder than maybe necessary, to make sure 
your thing would not be build upon false positives. What would have 
happened to your word if a student relying on a bug fix to meet a 
deadline realizes that bug is not likely to be fixed sometime soon? But 
like Jimmy says, we will most likely respond, just like we respond to 
any bug repports. We can just not guarantee fixes or determine deadlines 
for the fixes.

I believe that, when you take your condition in your own hands, things 
happen twice: once in the mind and than in reality. But if what happens 
in the mind is based on clouds, the happening in reality cannot take 
place on earth. :)

Rest assured i am personally 700% enthusiastic about your plan.

Stay creative!

Set aka ~sakrecoer

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