[ubuntu-studio-devel] Art Team: Ubuntustudio Design Assets questions

C. F. Howlett cfhowlett at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 7 07:08:07 UTC 2016

As discussed previously in this channel, Set and I are coordinating an 
Ubuntustudio 16.04 Wallpaper Contest to generate PR and new wallpaper 
designs.  Details are at: 

Unfortunately, my information is dated.  I erroneously recommended that 
contestants use deprecated US brandmarks.  I have commented out those 
assets on the wiki page.  I am uncomfortably uncertain about 
recommending the  Ubuntustudio Circles.

I know we are all busy IRL doing other things, so, for now, I request a 
definitive response to only two questions:

Precisely what Ubuntustudio brandmarks, logos or other design assets are 
approved for use?
Where, exactly, can I find those approved assets?

Thank you in advance.

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