[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio Xenial - Beta 1 ISO Testing

Ross Gammon ross at the-gammons.net
Thu Feb 25 17:29:44 UTC 2016

On 02/25/2016 06:13 PM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016, at 04:55 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:
>> On 02/25/2016 01:20 PM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
>>> the most important part this time was application testing.
>> Parole popped up on the tracker at one point as having a crash.
>> Launchpad reports other crashes as well - we should look at that one
>> first?
> I don't usually regard media players as our field of expertise, even if
> they are absolutely needed. And, I figure there are people interested in
> fixing those. But, I think that's up to you.

Yeah - I'm not sure I remember how Parole made it onto the priority 
list. I suppose to have at least one player. Anyway probably worth a 
look if there is an easy fix. Otherwise, there are other players.

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