[ubuntu-studio-devel] Application Testing for Ubuntu Studio Xenial 16.04

set public at sakrecoer.com
Wed Feb 24 16:33:56 UTC 2016

On 2016-02-23 17:18, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016, at 05:11 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:
>> On 02/23/2016 04:55 PM, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016, at 04:42 PM, lukefromdc at hushmail.com wrote:
>>>> Kdenlive is STILL version 15.08, which is a buggy mess as well as being
>>>> old. if that gets to release, anyone wanting to do a complex video in
>>>> Xenial will need to install from PPA or source. Version 15.08 is OK for
>>>> simple stuff but gets things like compositing transitions that move on
>>>> their own and crashes.
>>> Ross, did you contact anyone about this yet?
>> Yes - the Kubuntu people are working on it:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1546803
> Thanks, Ross. Looks like it will happen sooner or later then, before
> release.
Thank you very much Ross! Good to know there is hope for kdenlive. I
agree with lukefromdc, the current version is truly a buggy mess.

Sucked into duties of life, I failed to follow you up last week, Ross,
regarding the 14.04.04 tests. I barely communicated with the group at
all. Shouldn't happen this one, and i plan on spending the day testing
both the ISO and the applications tomorrow.

Heads up guys, we can do this! :)

Set Sakrecoer

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