[ubuntu-studio-devel] Default Wallpaper Design, WAS: Re: ubuntu-studio-devel Digest, Vol 106, Issue 15

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Fri Feb 19 15:47:05 UTC 2016

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016, at 03:47 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Feb 2016 14:02:04 +0100, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> >On Thu, Feb 18, 2016, at 07:25 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> >> IOW instead of
> >> 
> >>        "Blue -        violet -        orange" consider to use
> >> "pastel blue - pastel violet - pastel red"  
> >
> >Would you be interesting in providing us with an example of these
> >colors, so we can see for ourselves?
> Hi,
> screenshot and for experimenting with colours, opacity and contrast by
> layers, also a Gimp file attached.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> -- 

Thanks Ralf. Very clear colors. But, the look of it is a bit too soft
for me using pastel colors. It's an interesting proposal, but I have
trouble finding the right path from this junction - where to go with the
pastel colors, that is.

I did a mockup for the wallpaper, as I've said before. After sleeping on
it for a day or so, I would like to make it available. It's a very
classic design, for me. The one I did for 13.10 has much resemblance to
the technique with colors and shades (though I used a single color and a
pattern for 1310). Using this design I feel it could benefit from a bit
more complexity, so I'm not satisfied, but I still feel it could work
somehow as a basis for a unified design. See for yourselves.

I've put my mockup in the branch ubuntustudio-artwork. Get it with:

bzr branch lp:ubuntustudio-artwork

Then, you'll find the mockups in the dir:


I'll also put Ralfs stuff in there in a moment.

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