[ubuntu-studio-devel] weekly meeting Dec 6 - (was Meeting Tuesday, Nov 29 at 19:00 UTC)

Ross Gammon ubuntustudio at the-gammons.net
Sun Dec 11 18:25:56 UTC 2016

I can't make it this week due to work

On 06/12/16 21:43, eylul wrote:
> I completely forgot to send the email this week, but Len and I were 
> there for a bit. Krytarik and Chamois joined toward the end as well. 
> We have mostly discussed controls.
> 1) Controls:
> Len has been doing a lot of work on this (as everybody probably 
> already knows :) ) but can use more devices to test it on. (especially 
> AMD chips but more devices in general). You can download the packages 
> a the dev archive. Some of the updates are not in yet, but will be soon.
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/autobuild/+packages
> Also will need more feedback on how to set up the gui, and ideally 
> mockups. Here is Len's own audio setup as reference.
> http://www.ovenwerks.net/software/audsysmode.html
> Primary change to this will be splitting of CPU/system settings away 
> from audio specific settings.
> 2) Bug triage (no update)
> 3) Wallpaper contest (no update)
> 4) Website (no update)
> 5) Krita package status: Eylul was flooded with deadlines last week. 
> Will get back to this, this week.
> 6) Boot image (no update)
> 7) Meeting time: Does Tuesday 19:00UTC still work for everybody who 
> wants to come. We can shift this by half an hour. if it will work 
> better for people. We should also aim to limit these to an hour. :)
> 8) Chamois is back from traveling, will work on boot image more this 
> week.
> 9) Next meeting will be at Dec 13, 19:00UTC. If there is small time 
> shift (see item 7) I will email. I'll try to send an email reminder 
> either way.
> Feel free to add your updates to this email :)
> Best
> Eylul
> On 11/27/2016 09:57 PM, eylul wrote:
>> Yeah, the meeting announcement was directly via email, which is why I
>> used the
>> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ubuntu+Studio+Meeting&iso=20161129T19&ah=1
>> format in my initial email when linking to the world clock.
>> The link format you mentioned is a good one to keep in mind through if
>> we get more serious with meetings in future and have agenda at the wiki
>> etc. So thanks for the suggestion! :)
>> Looking forward to see everyone on tuesday. :)
>> Best
>> Eylul
>> On 11/27/2016 08:45 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:11:40 +0100, Set Hallstrom wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your feedback Ralf.
>>>> How does one put such a a nifty link in a text-mail?
>>> My apologies,
>>> I wasn't clear with this.
>>> If Ubuntu announces a meeting, they sometimes link to a web site, e.g.
>>> for a video conference and this website includes the clock.
>>> The clock in the upper left corner at
>>> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/meeting/22714/architecture-discussions/
>>> links to
>>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
>>> Assuming a user shouldn't fake the IP, then for an email
>>> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Ubuntu+Studio+Meeting&iso=20161129T19&ah=1
>>> is the better choice.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ralf

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