[ubuntu-studio-devel] apt - Was: CPU governor settings

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Dec 4 22:00:09 UTC 2016

On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 13:21:46 -0800 (PST), Len Ovens wrote:
>On Sun, 4 Dec 2016, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 08:47:04 -0800 (PST), Len Ovens wrote:  
>>> (I prefer to download the *.deb and dpkg -i it :)  
>> we should get used to 'apt'.
>>  apt install /path/package.deb
>> The advantage, one command to install from repositories and to
>> install local packages. If required, it resolves dependencies, so it
>> also could replaces gdebi or dpkg-apt-fix-broken workarounds.  
>I'll try to remember that, Thank you.

The --help as well as the man page of apt are very weak. Quasi
everything supported by apt-get works for apt, too and some other
commands, could be partial replaced by apt.

Scripts still could require usage of apt-get and other commands, apt
warns that it's risky to use it for a script [1].

For experienced users apt still is not a replacement for everything,
but we should use it as much as possible, to get used to it, because if
we help beginners, apt is easier to remember for them.


[root at archlinux rocketmouse]# systemd-nspawn -qD /mnt/moonstudio 
[root at moonstudio ~]# apt list | head

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in

0ad/xenial 0.0.20-1 amd64
0ad-data/xenial,xenial 0.0.20-1 all
0ad-data-common/xenial,xenial 0.0.20-1 all
0ad-dbg/xenial 0.0.20-1 amd64
0install/xenial 2.10-2 amd64
0install-core/xenial 2.10-2 amd64
0xffff/xenial 0.6.1-3 amd64
2048-qt/xenial 0.1.6-1 amd64
2ping/xenial,xenial 3.2.1-1 all

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