[ubuntu-studio-devel] Shimmer and Numix
Set Hallstrom
set at ubuntustudio.org
Sun Aug 7 08:56:00 UTC 2016
Hi Jonathan,
Basically it consists in always making sure that our modified branch stays
consistent with the changes made upstream.
I'm told that is in a few steps basically, just 1.) pull the source
somehow, 2.) install the build depends, 3.) 'sed' the thing, to replace the
colors 4.) run 'make' in its top directory.
I understand it can be challenging and intimidating to answer to the list,
but i would prefer if you asked via that chanel in the future. It doesn't
bother me that you adress me in private, on the contrary: i feel honored.
What i'm thinking is that often times the group has better answers than me
alone and other devels night benefit from your questions and the answers it
generates :) Its just a matter of transparency: motivation is contagious ;)
have nice sunday!
lördagen den 6:e augusti 2016 kl. 23:14:55 CEST, Jonathan Aquilina
<jaquilina at eagleeyet.net> skrev:
> Hi Set,
> Can you advise what it will contain to help maintain a UStudio branch of
> numix?
> On 2016-08-06 23:13, Set Hallstrom wrote:
>> On 2016-08-05 21:47, Ross Gammon wrote:
>>> I saw it :-)
>>> I have always been very boring, and just got on with what ever default
>>> theme was given to me by my distro. So I generally don't have much of an
>>> opinion in this area.
>>> So - a go for it from me. The less delta we have from xubuntu, the
>>> easier it is to get help from those guys.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ross
>> Thanks Ross :)
>> It seems that changing the highlight color of Numix to our blue is a
>> harder task than expected and would imply maintaining our own branch of
>> it. Not sure we have anyone who is up for that.
>> In short: Numix would work /if/ we can live with red highlight color?
>> Then again, non of the existing ready made options i know of fit the
>> Ubuntu Studio color scheme fully.
>> Anyone else want to have a say or have ideas? Or better: maybe someone
>> wants to maintain a Numix UbuntuStudioBlue theme for us? :)
>> Let's think about it until Wednesday 10th august ;)
Set Hallström
Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer
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